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Steve Warner's Dark City

Started by bateman, October 27, 2013, 03:54:49 PM


Just listening now. Great interview so far.

Thought I would put in another request for a guest based on something RCH said.

Richard Dolan or Joseph Farrell re: breakaway civilization. Sounds fascinating. Never heard of this before.


Quote from: jazmunda on December 08, 2013, 05:27:19 PM
Just listening now. Great interview so far.

Thought I would put in another request for a guest based on something RCH said.

Richard Dolan or Joseph Farrell re: breakaway civilization. Sounds fascinating. Never heard of this before.

The breakaway civilization idea that Hoagland talked about is such a deep rabbit hole of crazy, it's beyond fun to read about but just is a never ending thread.

Funny enough though a story idea I am working on features this subject.


Quote from: SaucyRossy on December 08, 2013, 11:52:29 PM
The breakaway civilization idea that Hoagland talked about is such a deep rabbit hole of crazy, it's beyond fun to read about but just is a never ending thread.

Funny enough though a story idea I am working on features this subject.

We're long time Art Bell fans. Deep rabbit hole crazy is our staple.

Listened through it tonight.  Really got that classic Coast vibe listening to the Hoagler prattle.  You've gotta get him back on, Bateman.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: jazmunda on December 08, 2013, 05:27:19 PM
Just listening now. Great interview so far.

Thought I would put in another request for a guest based on something RCH said.

Richard Dolan or Joseph Farrell re: breakaway civilization. Sounds fascinating. Never heard of this before.

He has to change tack now and then though; everyone has cottoned on to the fact there are no apartments on Mars, training shoes, that 19.5 degrees has a spurious and erroneous significance to, well anything unless it's needed on a protractor. Not to mention the bollox with his broken watch and freeloading cruises...

Twenty or so minutes in he implies that Germany's alleged anti gravity tech was to be flown by a four engined bomber from Germany to South America.. What utter utter utter utter crap. The only four engined bomber that Germany had was the FW200 Condor, and although it had great range and endurance, it wouldn't have been able to reach South America from Germany. The Heinkel 177 theoretically had two for engines (was in fact two pairs of engines welded together) but was so unreliable I can't imagine something so precious would be trusted to such a heap of ill thought out rubbish.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 09, 2013, 05:34:22 AM
He has to change tack now and then though; everyone has cottoned on to the fact there are no apartments on Mars, training shoes, that 19.5 degrees has a spurious and erroneous significance to, well anything unless it's needed on a protractor. Not to mention the bollox with his broken watch and freeloading cruises...

Twenty or so minutes in he implies that Germany's alleged anti gravity tech was to be flown by a four engined bomber from Germany to South America.. What utter utter utter utter crap. The only four engined bomber that Germany had was the FW200 Condor, and although it had great range and endurance, it wouldn't have been able to reach South America from Germany. The Heinkel 177 theoretically had two for engines (was in fact two pairs of engines welded together) but was so unreliable I can't imagine something so precious would be trusted to such a heap of ill thought out rubbish.

I do kind of wonder why you would transport anti-gravity technology... by plane.


Quote from: BobGrau on December 09, 2013, 07:47:04 AM

I do kind of wonder why you would transport anti-gravity technology... by plane.

Because those Nazi breakaways fly with HogieLand logic.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 09, 2013, 05:34:22 AM
He has to change tack now and then though; everyone has cottoned on to the fact there are no apartments on Mars, training shoes, that 19.5 degrees has a spurious and erroneous significance to, well anything unless it's needed on a protractor. Not to mention the bollox with his broken watch and freeloading cruises...

Twenty or so minutes in he implies that Germany's alleged anti gravity tech was to be flown by a four engined bomber from Germany to South America.. What utter utter utter utter crap. The only four engined bomber that Germany had was the FW200 Condor, and although it had great range and endurance, it wouldn't have been able to reach South America from Germany. The Heinkel 177 theoretically had two for engines (was in fact two pairs of engines welded together) but was so unreliable I can't imagine something so precious would be trusted to such a heap of ill thought out rubbish.

Rubbish you say?   ... if the Nazi breakaway had secret anti gravity tech they most certainty would have a secret 4 engine long range airplane or maybe a V1 powered plane.


Quote from: bateman on December 08, 2013, 01:04:34 PM
Thanks, that was I was going for. Let him get his story out, because his ideas are amusing, but work in questions about his background that haven't really been touched on in previous interviews & poke holes in some of his stories without sounding like an argumentative prick. Again, tricky.

It would have turned into this if I let him drive the car all by himself:

Great job! It was a very enjoyable interview, and I'll definitely listen to it again.
I had never heard about he "breakaway" human civilization living on some other planet, and I'd love to hear Hoagie talk about it in more detail. So, yes, please have him back. But not too soon.  ;)


Quote from: Spinner on December 09, 2013, 10:39:55 PM

Great job! It was a very enjoyable interview, and I'll definitely listen to it again.
I had never heard about he "breakaway" human civilization living on some other planet, and I'd love to hear Hoagie talk about it in more detail. So, yes, please have him back. But not too soon.  ;)

He mentioned Richard Dolan a lot. I knew about Richard dolan from this video:

EXOPOLITICAL DISCLOSURE: Deathbed Testimony About UFOs Given By Former CIA Official!

Apparently there's a lot of stuff about it on Youtube with Rich Dolan being the primary speaker. He's the go to guy for Breakaway Civilization and Breakaway Civilization accessories, it seems.


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Spinner on December 09, 2013, 10:39:55 PM

Great job! It was a very enjoyable interview, and I'll definitely listen to it again.
I had never heard about he "breakaway" human civilization living on some other planet, and I'd love to hear Hoagie talk about it in more detail. So, yes, please have him back. But not too soon.  ;)

That's the key isn't it? I actually listened right up to the end of it on the podcast, and thought Steve did a noble job in trying to get a word in edgeways and secondly not pandering to Hoaxlands fanciful dalliances with hallucinogenics. He won't put detail into it because he hasn't the foundations. He keeps banging on about 'looking at the data'...Conveniently overlooking the fact that the 'data' comes from him, and a few such as himself. He made great play in the Indian Lunar probe that discovered water ice, but made no mention that after mapping 97% of the Moon's surface it didn't discover the glass structures allegedly found but memory wiped from Apollo astronauts. He must have forgotten to mention that.

So yeah, good effort with him Steve,and although you clearly didn't take too much of what he was saying seriously, you couldn't (predictably) get him to cite independent research. But he's a wily guy; and speaks so fast he's already on the next three topics before you get chance to get the question in..You tried to get him back onto blackbirds dying, and although he heard you, he went back to something else, because he obviously didn't want to go anywhere other than his make believe torsion field weapon crap.

Overall great interview, I'm consistently impressed with the show!

Hoagland has the same skill as Alex Jones, keep on pumping out information as quickly as possible to overwhelm the host and audience into just accepting what you have to say. Steve did a great job keeping the show moving along and got some stuff out of Hoagland I haven't really heard him go off on before, the breakaway society ideas. It did seem like when he realized he wasn't making much progress on convincing the host of the Mars stuff he switched gears abruptly which was interesting.

I also enjoyed the new intro and the overall mood of the show. As others have said, it evokes classic Coast at it's best. Good job as always.


Quote from: TheMan WhoFell ToEarth on December 09, 2013, 05:27:10 AM
Listened through it tonight.  Really got that classic Coast vibe listening to the Hoagler prattle.  You've gotta get him back on, Bateman.

Thanks, that is high praise. What it comes down to is, I want to produce a show I'd want to listen to. Capturing that Dreamland vibe is what I've been going for, specifically.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 10, 2013, 03:08:27 AM
That's the key isn't it? I actually listened right up to the end of it on the podcast, and thought Steve did a noble job in trying to get a word in edgeways and secondly not pandering to Hoaxlands fanciful dalliances with hallucinogenics. He won't put detail into it because he hasn't the foundations. He keeps banging on about 'looking at the data'...Conveniently overlooking the fact that the 'data' comes from him, and a few such as himself. He made great play in the Indian Lunar probe that discovered water ice, but made no mention that after mapping 97% of the Moon's surface it didn't discover the glass structures allegedly found but memory wiped from Apollo astronauts. He must have forgotten to mention that.

So yeah, good effort with him Steve,and although you clearly didn't take too much of what he was saying seriously, you couldn't (predictably) get him to cite independent research. But he's a wily guy; and speaks so fast he's already on the next three topics before you get chance to get the question in..You tried to get him back onto blackbirds dying, and although he heard you, he went back to something else, because he obviously didn't want to go anywhere other than his make believe torsion field weapon crap.

What aggravated me was that he kept saying he had documentation to back up "everything" he said, but when I asked for documentation for something or other, he said "you want an authority figure to tell you it's true!" ...Can't have it both ways, Richard.

And your highlighted point above is dead on.

Quote from: Agent : Orange on December 10, 2013, 06:39:18 AM
Overall great interview, I'm consistently impressed with the show!

Hoagland has the same skill as Alex Jones, keep on pumping out information as quickly as possible to overwhelm the host and audience into just accepting what you have to say. Steve did a great job keeping the show moving along and got some stuff out of Hoagland I haven't really heard him go off on before, the breakaway society ideas. It did seem like when he realized he wasn't making much progress on convincing the host of the Mars stuff he switched gears abruptly which was interesting.

I also enjoyed the new intro and the overall mood of the show. As others have said, it evokes classic Coast at it's best. Good job as always.

Thanks, and again, highlighted point is dead on.

"Intermediate" level-difficulty interviewee aside, he's a good natured guy, and I'm glad I got to talk to him.

Quote from: bateman on December 10, 2013, 07:15:06 PM
"Intermediate" level-difficulty interviewee aside, he's a good natured guy, and I'm glad I got to talk to him.

Well now that's over with, on to David Icke! :D


Quote from: bateman on December 10, 2013, 07:15:06 PM

What aggravated me was that he kept saying he had documentation to back up "everything" he said, but when I asked for documentation for something or other, he said "you want an authority figure to tell you it's true!" ...Can't have it both ways, Richard.

That's the problem I have with RCH. He constantly says he has documentation to back it up but we never see this documentation and are just meant to take him at his word. Smoke and mirrors. Fucking white crows.


Finally got to listen to the RCH show. One of the better interviews with him I've heard. Good stuff.

Your doing a good job Bateman.
Keep up getting diverse guests.
It's cool you now have people contacting you who want to be on the show!!
That's awesome.

I've turned a few people onto the podcast and would urged others to help spread the word also.
I've also contacted the radio network and thanked them for having the show listed on their website.


I caught the show earlier on in the week and was impressed.  RCH would be a very difficult interviewee to try to steer or corral and you did a pretty good job.  Yes, he lead parts- but even hearing Art you could tell that he leads large portions.  You were able to keep things together and did not let  yourself get walked on like certain other hosts do.  Once or twice I caught you talking over him for a full sentence or two in order to get what you wanted in.  Most guests (heck, most people) will stop talking to listen if you interrupt them- Hoagland needs you to interrupt him non-stop for several seconds before he faces the fact that he is going to have to stop talking and listen for a moment.

Anyhow, great interview and I hope you do have him back at some point.  I used to turn Hoagland off during a Noory lead interview and thought he was good with Art... He was good with you as well and I think it says something about the host when Hoagland becomes interesting.  I think he may actually appreciate being challenged on some points.

You also provided the first instance that I have heard where he actually stopped and had to think about an answer that he could make up- I think I could hear his exact thoughts when you asked him what HE thought his accuracy was.  "I should say 100%... No, too easy to disprove.  80%... No, if I have to admit some faults and failures it should be believable.  33%... What am I DELUSIONAL?  Nobody who wants to maintain credibility would admit to less than 50% accuracy.  EUREKA!!!"


Thanks everyone, really appreciate the support. Just did 2 hours with Bill Birnes, that'll air next week.  8)

Tonight is an hour with Peter Davenport:


Great show with Peter Davenport.  I thought the additional info on the Phoenix lights incident was interesting.  Looking forward to next week's show.  :)

Great show. You have highly developed interview skills. Happy to follow you at 11pm on the Dark Matter Network schedule!


damnit... too late to listen live and too early to hear the replay.


Glorious summer weather made me miss the show "live". Will patiently wait for the download although as a long time listener surely I'm entitled to an advanced copy.


Quote from: ziznak on December 14, 2013, 11:21:44 PM
damnit... too late to listen live and too early to hear the replay.
Same here. Started listening to SIT, but I just couldn't take any more of Quayle, but by the time I switched to the DMRN, I had missed Dark Weekend live. I hope I'll still be awake when the replay comes around. If not, tomorrow for sure.


Quote from: HorrorRetro on December 14, 2013, 10:06:39 PM
Great show with Peter Davenport.  I thought the additional info on the Phoenix lights incident was interesting.  Looking forward to next week's show.  :)

Thanks, yeah, I hadn't heard about a couple things he brought up, great little additions to UFO lore.

Quote from: mcclellanrobert on December 14, 2013, 10:12:01 PM
Great show. You have highly developed interview skills. Happy to follow you at 11pm on the Dark Matter Network schedule!

Thanks, I appreciate it, I think they're still developing, but I'm generally happy with what I can get out of a guest.. Haven't had a chance to tune in to your show yet, but I'll make a point of it.

Quote from: ziznak on December 14, 2013, 11:21:44 PM
damnit... too late to listen live and too early to hear the replay.

Just for you... https://soundcloud.com/dark-weekend/peter-davenport-discusses-ufo  ;)


Quote from: jazmunda on December 14, 2013, 11:25:19 PM
Glorious summer weather made me miss the show "live". Will patiently wait for the download although as a long time listener surely I'm entitled to an advanced copy.

Pfft, summer weather this week, your daughter's birthday party last week.. Ridiculous excuses.  ::)

Quote from: Spinner on December 14, 2013, 11:44:56 PM
Same here. Started listening to SIT, but I just couldn't take any more of Quayle, but by the time I switched to the DMRN, I had missed Dark Weekend live. I hope I'll still be awake when the replay comes around. If not, tomorrow for sure.

Just posted. Suffer no more.


Quote from: bateman on December 14, 2013, 11:58:18 PM
Pfft, summer weather this week, your daughter's birthday party last week.. Ridiculous excuses.  ::)

I'm already formulating an excuse for next week. Not sure my dog eating my computer will fly.

George Drooly

Quote from: jazmunda on December 15, 2013, 12:08:42 AM
I'm already formulating an excuse for next week. Not sure my dog eating my computer will fly.

Just say you were probed, it works every time

Great job Bateman!  My first time to listen and I loved the interview with Peter Davenport.  I always enjoy hearing him and always remember his story about buying and moving into an old abandoned missile silo.  You really have the heavy hitters of guests.  Your guests are from Art Bell's "A" list of guests.  Your show was like listening to Art back in the 90s which is great.  Thanks for the show and I will be listening regularly.

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