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The History of Politics

Started by Quick Karl, October 17, 2013, 10:52:51 AM

Quick Karl

Who ruled the Cave?

What type of person wants power?

Who writes history?

The victorious always writes history, because the vanquished is dead. It should be no surprise then, that history is filled with stories about the victorious being the righteous, and the vanquished being the wicked. Of course, there were actual times in history when the good did, in fact, overcome the bad, but one time in a thousand isn’t a track record we should be proud of, and we still have to rely, for the most part, on the writings of the victorious for these historical accounts.

The more ruthless is always the victor, because he will kill more remorselessly. Since the beginning of human existence, the more ruthless have always killed the less ruthless, for power â€" this is precisely what is going on in the Middle East today, and what goes on in every government on the face of the planet, and every government office in The United States.

Long ago, small groups of primitive humans assembled into clans as a means of protection and survival. The meanest caveman became the leader of each clan, because he would club to death anyone that challenged him â€" even his own offspring â€" if only to get the fillet mignon of the most recent kill that the clan brought down, or to get the hottest cave girl.

The average cave person wanted only to eat, stay alive, and feed and protect their children. If you were just an average cave guy and you invented a new spear for hunting, the leader of the cave would just take your spear and call it his own, and kill you if you protested.

The leader of the cave had only to worry about one thing â€" the leader in the cave around the bend â€" because he knew, that leader, like himself, would kill him in an instant to control his cave, people, and hunting grounds, and take his women.

To defend himself from the leader in the other cave he had no choice but to let his cave mates live, because he would need them to fight when the other cave leader showed up. If it weren’t for this very fact, he would kill all of his cave mates leaving only the cutest women and a few men to help him hunt (really to hunt FOR him).

To keep his cave mates from rebelling, abandoning, or assassinating him, he had to give them only enough of “the pie” to keep them subdued. He had to find ways to control them and not let them learn that they were in fact, being controlled, for his benefit. Of course, he told them it was for their benefit too, and in an abstract, paradoxical, Machiavelli/Orwellian way, he had a point, because like the leader in the other cave, he would surely kill them if they didn’t do what he wanted.

These cave leaders evolved slowly over time into the kings, emperors, sultans, dictators, warlords, and other leaders of societies, throughout all of history, and finally into the Representatives, Presidents, and other paragons of modern day society that we are so lucky to have ruling our lives today â€" Serial killers who are never satisfied and always need more, incessantly.

If not for the fact that, eventually, societies will rise-up and overthrow these horrible people when pushed to their limit, they would take everything we have â€" without hesitation â€" because they seriously believe they have that divine right. They literally believe that what we possess is really theirs. They will never say so publically, but their actions always speak louder than their words, and there are no angels on either side of the political sewer they thrive in â€" they are both equally guilty, always. The only difference is the lies that the people chose to believe.

Their trick is walking that fine line, sapping the average person of as much as he can extract from him, giving him only enough to keep him subdued, because he knows the average guy only wants a simple, safe, life â€" which is a complete paradox in light of our current social, political, and world condition.

It is not the average person that starts wars, invades countries, uses religion to justify murder; taxes people to death, run Enron and AIG into the ground taking the savings of hard working people with it, manipulates the stock market (the biggest scam to ever be perpetuated), or that takes the money of productive working people and gives it to non-productive people as compensation for their votes... It is the “paragons of society” that do this.

Unfortunately these people exist in all societies and the only thing necessary for them to succeed is for good people to shrug and do nothing.

Politics are lies designed to get the little people to do the bidding of the politicians so the politicians can get the power they seek.

Of course there have been good politicians, but revoltingly far too few, and the good ones like Jesus and Gandhi somehow always wind up dead long before their time; but I am sure that is just a convenient coincidence, because after all no “paragon of society” would ever stoop that low…

So, the question remains: what pathological lying serial killer are you going to vote for in the next election?

© Quick Karl 2013

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